Welcome to the SBH Health and Wellness Center

A little over four years ago Dr. David Perlstein, president and chief executive officer of SBH Health System, and executives from L+M Development Partners, SBH board members and elected Bronx officials broke ground on an innovative project whose goal was an ambitious one: to transform the health and wellness of a community that is among the least healthy in the United States.
The project, located on Third Avenue and 182-183rd Street, on two parcels of what was previously a parking lot, has finally opened. It includes the 50,000-square foot SBH Health and Wellness Center. This includes a medical fitness center, a teaching kitchen, a rooftop farm, an urgent care center, a women’s health center, a women’s imaging center, a children’s health center, and a WIC site.
The pandemic not only delayed the opening of the SBH Health and Wellness Center, but underscored the importance of such a project to an underserved community of color that has been cruelly targeted by Covid-19.
“If you have a safe place to live, if you have good food, then you can start to think about all those other things that relate to wellness,” said Dr. Perlstein. “Conversely, it’s impossible to get well if you don’t know where your next meal is coming from or where you’re going to be sleeping. Our program is truly transformational for our community.”
What follows is a look at this remarkable new facility. For more information on the project, or to help support its activities, visit https://www.sbhwellnesscenter.org. Healthplex Fitness Center, a state-of the-art medical fitness center.

cancers and reduces false positives by up to 40 percent.